Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Logitech Quickcam Express + LInksys NSLU2

This project is to configure a live webcam server.
1. Linksys NSLU2 with Debian Lenny installed.
2. Logitech Quickcam Express.

1. Quickcam Express driver.
2. webcam server.


1.Install Debian on NSLU2. I followed instruction from

2. Install lighttpd webserver.

3. Install Quickcam driver.
a. sudo apt-get install module-assistant qc-usb-source qc-usb-utils

b. sudo m-a prepare.(follow module-assistant menu selection to Prepare, Compile, and Install quickcam driver.

4. reboot after install.

5. install and configure webcamserver follow instruction here

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